Jumat, 10 April 2009

10 Feng Shui Tips for Hanging A Family Portrait

1. For feng shui purpose, the portrait should be quite large – big enough to register an impression and to dominate the energy of the room.
2. Best place is to hang the family portrait in a room where family members spend most of their time together when they are at home. It should be well lit especially by natural light so that sunshine (however indirect) gives the portrait a regular dose of yang chi.
3. The living room is a good place, but the portrait should not directly face the main front door. This suggests the family prefer going out to staying home.
4. The family portrait should never directly face a toilet or bathroom as this could cause bad energy to hit at some members of the family. It is also not a good idea for the family portrait to be hung sharing a wall with a toilet, as this is as bad as facing a toilet. Nor should the portrait be hung directly under an upstairs toilet.
5. The family portrait should not be hung directly facing the sharp edge of a protruding corner or be placed directly under an exposed overhead beam. These poison arrows can cause severe problems.
6. The family portrait is best hung facing the sheng chi direction of the father or mother so it brings good fortune to at least one of the parents. If both can benefit from their good direction, it is even better and more auspicious.
7. If there is a family altar in the house, the portrait should not be hung above the altar as this is deemed disrespectful to the deities on the altar.
8. Never hang a family portrait directly under a staircase as this means you are all stepping on the luck of the each other on a regular basis.
9. Do not have the family portrait directly facing the kitchen or worse still, the cooking stove, as this brings negative energy to family members.
10. Finally, always check if the family portrait has been hung in a location or facing a direction that is afflicted for the year. For instance for 2009, the South is terribly afflicted, so family portraits should best not face South AND should not be placed on the South wall of the house during the course of the year. This means updating the location of your family portrait each year. This is a good thing to do as it revitalizes the chi energy of the portrait considerably.

10 Tips or Taking Good Feng Shui Portraits

1. Make sure every member of the immediate family are in the picture.
2. Mother and Father should be seated and children should cluster round.
3. Good for Father to wear formal attire looking successful.
4. Good for Mother to wear bright red preferably something dressy.
5. Good for Mother to wear family jewels and look ‘grand’.
6. Sons should look formal and bright eyed.
7. Daughters should look modest and sweet.
8. Mother and father should be close and appear affectionate.
9. Everyone should be smiling broadly.
10. Whole family should form a triangle, a circle or a square.

Senin, 09 Februari 2009

Happy Valentine Day

Tips Buat yang masih Jomblo....

1. Sayangi dirimu sendiri, dengan positif thingking , bahwa kamu sudah mendapatkan pasangan yang kamu idamkan...

2. Maafkan dirimu atas apa saja yang kamu sesalkan dalam hal kisah Romatika Hidupmu seblumnya dan LUPAKAN...

3. Percaya Hidup akan Bahagia..dan pasangan akan datang sebentar lagi

4. Nikmati hidup dengan selalu bersyukur... BAHAGIA... Mau memikirkan hal tsbt...

5. Ganti gaya tampilan anda..potongan rambut, bentuk tubuh, cara bicara.. cara ketawa..

6. belajar bersikap ramah terhadap orang lain.... dan kepada keluarga

7. Cium dan peluk kasih sayang orangtua anda...katakan saya sudah dewasa saya sudah siap untuk berumah tangga..doakan saya ....

Jika anda ingin lebih lanjut mencari pasangan ideal anda ..silahkan hubungi saya..08156590575....

Thank you.... semoga sukses.. Happy VALENTINE DAY

Selasa, 27 Januari 2009

What the Mandarin Ducks symbolize and its Application in Symbolism Feng Shui?

A pair of Mandarin Ducks symbolize happiness in love and suggestive of romance, devotion, affection, conjugal fidelity, togetherness and enduring love. Mandarin ducks live in couples and mourn the loss of their mates, which is why the bird has long been regarded as the most traditional and the most potent symbol of love and married bliss in Feng Shui practice.

When placed in pair nearby their owners, Mandarin Ducks becomes a powerful cure to attract or enhance love and relationships. For singles, the pair of Mandarin Ducks will enhance your chances of finding love partners; for lovers, it will bring you marriage opportunities; and for married couples, a pair of Mandarin Ducks will hold out the promise of a marriage being gloriously happy with no separation between the spouses.

Here is how you can use the Mandarin Ducks to Feng Shui your way to a better life.

1. To enhance marriage, love and romance luck, Mandarin Ducks should be kept in a pair in the romance corner of the occupants of a home i.e. bedroom, living room, work desk or in the universal love corner, the South West based on the Pakua's Life Aspirations Theory.
2. If you are single, to attract a new partner the Mandarin Ducks should face each other and be placed on the side of your bed you get in and out of bed from.
3. If you are married, to preserve or enhance an existing relationship the Mandarin Ducks should be alongside each other and be placed on the nightstand on the husband’s side.
4. For a happy marriage and to ensure joyous unions, display the Mandarin Ducks symbol in your personal Nien Yen or Romance direction based on your Kua number (Eight Mansion Theory).

Never place Mandarin Ducks alone or separated from their mate. If possible, keep them well lighted.

Feng Shui: energy

The following are some of the findings of Feng Shui studies in the old days, which may still hold true today:

1. It is not advisable to live near a graveyard or a funeral home. Sorrow is contaminating.

2. It is not advisable to live near a butchery. Killing destroys harmony.

3. It is not advisable to live near a whorehouse where evil energy hovers.

4. It is not advisable to live near a casino where crime sprouts.

5. It is not advisable to live near a hospital. Sickness destroys vital energy.

6. A house must invite ample sunlight and well ventilated. This allows the house to be filled with vital energy.

7. Avoid having a rapid stream running nearby. This disturbs the tranquillity of the neighborhood. Likewise a straight road with speeding vehicles has the same effect.

8. A straight road running directly towards a house is to be avoided. Evil energy is brought to attack the house.

The History of Feng Shui

Feng Shui may date back 6000 years to ancient China. Legend has it that during the time of the Yellow Emperor (Huang Di) in prehistoric China.

Feng Shui was originally used to choose propitious burial sites for the wealthy and palace locations for royalty. The ancient Chinese studied the signs the earth left behind (known as Geomancy), such as wind-worn trees, sharp protruding rocks or soft meandering streams. They thought the land's energy could make or break a kingdom. For instance, if the capital city was built on land with nourishing energy, the country would prosper; if it was built on land carrying malevolent energy, the country would suffer catastrophe. Likewise, if an emperor were buried on or near landforms with positive energy, his dynasty would last longer, and if he were buried on or near landforms with negative energy, his dynasty would fall.

At the beginning of the Chou (Zhou) dynasty (1122-207 BCE), King Wen first used the Pa-Kua to describe patterns of change in the natural world. By the eighth century BCE, the Chinese were using the Pa-Kua and the I-Ching to promote the flow of nourishing energy inside a city or a palace and thus bring the kingdom harmony and wealth.

The Han dynasty (206 BCE-219 CE) saw the founding of the art of Kan-Yu (Kan means "mountains" and Yu means "low places"), or the study of the energy carried in landforms. Kan-Yu was championed by the Taoists Huang-shih Kung and Ching Wu, who argued that geological bodies, particularly mountains and rivers, are filled with vital energy. The pathways of energy in mountains are called dragon veins, while those in waterways are called water dragons.

The three building blocks of Feng Shui was then laid down: i.e. the Compass, the Pa-Kua (in Cantonese) or Ba Gua (in Mandarin) (known in the west as Eight Trigrams), and the I-Ching (known in the west as the Theory of Change).

In the Chin dynasty (265-420 CE) everyday citizens started using Kan-Yu to choose sites for houses (Yang-domain Feng Shui) and burial grounds (Yin-domain Feng Shui). Since then, Feng Shui has been widely practiced till nowadays in China.

In ancient China, the Feng Shui master was a spiritual master as well. He studied the forces of nature, the direction and force of the wind and water, the surrounding elements, the qualities of yin and yang, the seasons, the earth energies, the quality of the land, the building materials, and the direction of the building in order to maximize the vital energy "Chi" of the dwelling. Each factor was crucial in building an auspicious place to live, worship or work.

Today, people all over the world are becoming aware of the importance of the many factors that affect the vital energy of buildings. However, many of us live and work in environments that were created without these factors in mind. Through the simple practice and learning some basic principles (tips) of Feng Shui, we can benefit in health, career, wealth, business, relationship, etc. It can be as simple as placing your couch in the best location in your living room, your table in the best location in your office, placing a tree in your garden/yard, or as complex as placing your house in the best location on your property.

Kamis, 22 Januari 2009

LEGENDA IMLEK/ Sin Cia (Xinnian/Chun Jie)

Konon di zaman dahulu kalah hidup seekor monster bernama nian (年) (*1) monster tersebut bertanduk tunggal, bermata besar dan berkuku tajam. Monster tersebut bertempat tinggal di dalam lautan, sepanjang tahun dia habiskan waktunya untuk tidur (seperti tidur musim dingin pada beruang). Namun setiap musim semi dia akan bangun dari tidurnya untuk mencari makanan. Makanan kesukaan monster nian tersebut adalah manusia. Bukan hanya memburuh manusia, monster tersebut juga memporak-porandakan ladang penduduk dan merusak panen.

Karena adanya monster tersebut yang memburu manusia setiap musim semi, maka penduduk selalu mengungsi ke dataran tinggi pada awal musim semi. Para penduduk selalu menyiapkan bekal makanan (*2) selama di pengungsian mereka, dan karena tidak ada yang tau bagaimana nasib besok mereka dituntut untuk menyelesaikan hutang piutang sebelum mengungsi (*3). Demikian juga para anak akan melakukan ronda selama orang tua mereka tidur (*4). Tidak lupa mereka diwajibkan untuk berkumpul (*5) bersama-sama dalam keluarga supaya bisa saling menjaga.

Keadaan tersebut berlangsung cukup lama, hingga suatu musim semi. Seorang pengemis (*6) melewati desa tersebut untuk meminta makanan, ia mendapatkan desa dalam keadaan kosong. Ia berjalan menelusuri desa tersebut untuk mencari orang yang bisa diminta sekaligus mencari tahu menyebab hilangnya penduduk desa tersebut. Akhirnya dia menemukan seorang nenek dan menanyakan penyebab lenyapnya warga desa. Sang nenek lalu menjelaskan soal monster nian dan pengungsian penduduk.
Sang nenek yang baik hati lalu memberikan makanan kepada si pengemis. Pengemis itu lalu bertanya, kenapa nenek tidak ikut mengungsi ?. Anak dan cucu saya telah menjadi korban tahun lalu, saya sudah tua sulit ikut mengungsi, jika monster nian datang saya akan melawan sebisa saya. Si pengemis menjadi iba pada sang nenek, lalu mengatakan pada sang nenek bahwa sesungguhnya mahluk tersebut takut pada tiga hal yaitu: Mahluk yang lebih besar dan seram daripada dia (*7), suara keras dan bising (*8) dan warna merah (*9). Lalu si pengemis meminta sang nenek menyediakan kain besar untuk membuat binatang-binatangan dan mencat depan rumah menjadi merah serta berpakain merah, lalu dia mengumpulkan batang-batang bambu supaya menimbulkan suara ledakan saat dibakar.

Setelah ditunggu-tunggu, akhirnya monster nian muncul si pengemis bergegas memakai kain yang telah dibuat menyerupai binatang monster serta minta sang nenek membakar batang bambu yang sudah disediakan serta memukul benda apa saja yang bisa menimbulkan suara bising. Mendapatkan sambutan demikian monster nian sangat kaget lalu terbang menuju khayangan dan tidak pernah kembali lagi.

Atas peristiwa kemenagan ini, penduduk desa merayakannya setiap tahun sebagai hari raya besar serta perayaan panen.Perayaan diadakan dengan cara meniru apa yang telah dilakukan oleh si pengemis dan sang nenek, juga sebagai tindakan pencegahan akan kembalinya monster nian. Para penduduk mendatangi rumah-rumah kerabat untuk mengucapkan selamat atas terbebasnya mereka dari ancaman monster nian. Sebagai balasan, setiap keluarga menyediakan minuman, kue-kuean untuk tamu mereka, mereka juga menyediakan permen bagi anak-anak dan kertas merah (*10) bagi mereka. Demikianlah perayaan tersebut turun temurun hingga kini.

*1 : kata “nian” kemudian menjadi penanda waktu satu tahun
*2 : sebagai tradisi, orang selalu memenuhi gentong beras dan air juga penyediaan makanan lainnya.
*3 : tradisi membayar utang sebelum sin cia (tradisi ini sudah memudar sesuai jaman)
*4 : shou yue (守夜), begadang. biasanya main mahjong atau ngobrol sampai pagi
*5 : tuan yuan (团圆), tradisi kumpul atau tradisi mudik bagi yang merantau
*6 : konon diyakinin sebagai jelmaan dewa
*7 : Asal usul barongsai/tarian singa (舞狮) dan kemudian disusul tarian naga (舞龙)
*8 : Genderang dan petasan
*9 : Warna favorite pada hari sin cia, juga tempelan tulisan sanjak berpasangan dipintu (对联)
*10: Sekarang umum disebut angpao (红包)

Selain tradisi diatas masih ada banyak tradisi simbolik antara lain:
- Makan Ikan : Yu (ikan) yang berbunyi sama dengan Yu (Saldo), melambangkan saldo melimpah
- Makan daun bawang : Shuan (bawang putih) sama bunyinya dengan shuan (hitung/menghitung), melambangkan ada uang yang dihitung setiap tahun
- Kue China/Kue Keranjang : Nian Gao, gao (kue) mempunyai bunyi yang sama dengan gao (tinggi), melambangkan peningkatan kualitas hidup setiap tahun
- Segala manisan: melambangkan kehidupan yang manis
- Jeruk/Jeruk besar: Ju (jeruk mandarin) mempunyai bunyi yang sama dengan ju (segala yang positif/baik, antara lain: sehat, aman, tenteram)
dan tradisi-tradisi simbolik lainnya yang sangat banyak sesuai daerah dan suku masing-masing.


I am A Master Fengshui since 15 years, and i have been traveling ,and setting FENGSHUI in Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, and Hongkong. My Clients are Very Happy to use Fengshui that is proven to make their life so different and make their life better than before. I don't use MAGIG. I use Fengshui Concept only. I used it to my personal life, and it WORKS !!! I am Very HAPPY & LUCKY person, I have nice HOME, BIG FAMILY, LOVEly wife and child, etc... :) WOW.... So if you NEED my Talent, call me at +628156590575, or email me...yosuyangga@yahoo.com, FENGSHUIJAKARTA@GMAIL.COM..XIE XIE Yohan Suyangga